A Fitbit game made for Ludum Dare 51, ported to HTML5 for convenience.

Note: Only tank controls available on Desktop.
Tilt controls work on Chrome  and DuckDuckGo on Android, but not Firefox, sorry!
I don't know if it works on Safari or anything else on iOS, so please let me know if you try it!

Current HTML5 Version: 0.5.3

Fitbit Gallery Page: https://gallery.fitbit.com/details/4cff4901-0288-48ee-93de-39db8016e30a
Ludum Dare page: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/51/watch-wizard-fitbit-sense-versa-3

(The arm background is a slime's arm, but I am bad at art. If you want to fix it for me, let me know.)

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